
作    者:蔡华
单    位:长沙师范学院
摘    要:
关键词:教育均衡 价值博弈 第三方管理 价值融通 制度设计

An Analysis of the Possible Routes of Value Integration of "Junior-high Graduation Started, Free-charged Rural-Orientation" Primary School Teachers' Education

Author's Name: 
In the practice of "Junior-high Graduation Started, Free-charged Rural-Orientation" primary school teacher training, different stakeholders,such as society, school and students, have different beneficial appeal. Therefore, System designer should take the following four aspects into consideration in the discussion of possible path to achieve the utmost value of the system. Firstly, promoting the balanced development of compulsory education; Secondly,a relatively complete policy as institutional basis; thirdly, introducing a third party for quality monitoring; lastly, conceptual blending, designing,consummating as the three steps in terms of system designing.
Keywords: Education balance;value game;third party management;value blending;system designing

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