作 者:刘宇佳 |
单 位:武汉大学教育科学研究院 |
基金项目: |
摘 要: |
我国小学"三点半难题"是教育改革与经济发展不协调的产物,是在为中小学生减负、规范中小学管理过程中衍生出的教育性问题,也是随着社会经济的发展、家庭结构的变化而产生的社会性难题。为应对"三点半难题",现阶段主要形成了无人看管、老人接送、课后托管和父母接管四种办法;但这些办法非但没有彻底解决学生"监管真空期"的难题,反而引发出交通安全、食品安全、教育负效果等新问题。综合治理"三点半难题",必须在思想层面秉承教育公平的理念,明确其公共福利的性质定位;在制度层面形成以政府担当为主导,以公立学校为主体,支持校外机构发展,社会成员广泛参与的多元治理体系;在实践层面以学生发展为目标,合理确定课后服务内容形式,坚持动态监评;形成思想、制度、实践层层推进,学校、家长、政府、社会共同参与的治理模式。 |
关键词:"三点半难题";学校管理;学生管理;课后服务;课后托管; |
"half past three problems":situation issues and governance
Author's Name: |
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Abstract: |
"Half past three problem" is an uncoordinated product of education reform and economic development, is an educational problem derived from alleviating burden for the primary and secondary students and standardizing management of primary and secondary schools,is also a pressing social problem with the development of social economy, the change of family structure. Facing "half past three problem", four mainly coping strategies are formed at present stage including no one pick up, the old man transfer, after-school care and parents take over. But these measures not only completely solve the problem of students "regulatory vacuum period", instead of causing some new problems such as traffic safety, food safety, educational negative effect. Comprehensive treatment "half past three problems", in the thought level ,we must receive education fair idea, make clear the property of the public welfare , At the institutional level, forming the diversified governance system ,with the government taking the leading role, with public schools being the main body, external institutions being supported and wide participation of members of the society. In the practical level,taking students' development as the goal,determining reasonable lesson contents and forms of the after-school service, adhering to the dynamic monitoring,forming a governance model that from thought, institutions to practices, and the school, parents, government and society participate jointly. |
Keywords: "half past three problem";school management;student management; after-school service;after-school care; |
投稿时间:2018-03-06 |