
作    者:周飞雪
单    位:南京信息工程大学管理工程学院
摘    要:
关键词:校园网;资源利用; 结构方程模型;偏最小二乘法;因素

Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Utilization Efficiency of University Network Resources

Author's Name: 
The construction and utilization of the resources of the campus network is an important part in the education informatization of the universities. Through the investigation and study, we explored the problems in the use of existing campus network resources. The structural equation model was built on the factors affecting the resources utilization Efficiency of the campus network and empirical analysis was made by using the PLS method. The conclusions are obtained as follows: (1) The degree of satisfaction on the aspects of the user, information and technology has significant positive impact on the resources utilization efficiency of campus network. (2)The influence factor of the technology is greater than the user factor and the information factor. Therefore, it is necessary for universities to continue to increase the technical input of the campus network, to strengthen the training of teachers and students and to renew and share information resources.
Keywords: Campus Network; Resource Utilization Efficiency; Structural Equation Model; Partial Least Squares;Factors

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